Whistleblower system

The CBR Fashion Group's Compliance & Business Ethics Policy states: We openly address potential risks and compliance violations.” We take this requirement seriously and have therefore set up a whistleblower system that anyone can use to report compliance violations. Reports can be submitted confidentially and, if desired, completely anonymously via various reporting channels.

How can you report your concern?

We offer three reporting channels via the CBR Fashion SpeakUp Line:


You can register via this link.

SpeakUP App

You can download the app from the iOS or Android store.

After download, you must assign a six-digit PIN to be able to retrieve your message securely. To access the CBR Fashion SpeakUp in the app, you can scan the QR code below or enter the code 103833 manually.


You can also submit your report by telephone. All telephone numbers worldwide can be found in this list. When you call them, please quote the following code for CBR: 103833

Detailed information on the respective reporting channels and their use as well as frequently asked questions and answers can be found in the document “SpeakUp-Line instructions and FAQs”.

What does the process look like after a notification?

A description of the reporting procedure and the subsequent steps can be found in the CBR Fashion SpeakUp-Line – Guide and FAQs.

Information on data protection

Information on data protection in the CBR Fashion Group whistleblower system can be found here.